• 22 Mar 2020 12:00 PM | Anonymous

    The 2020 Census is on!

    I’m sure most of us remember the 2010 census, and the usual census takers knocking on doors to ask a series of questions about the people living in your house.

    It happens every ten years, and, for the most part, the process has been unchanged since the first census in 1790. Until now!!

    For the first time ever the 2020 census will be primarily Self-Initiated.

    This means that the people coming around to knock on doors will be the last resort instead of the first.

    Instead, this census the American people are asked to self-report.

    This process will hopefully save the federal government money and manpower. There is also the hope that this process will allow us to report back more trustworthy numbers.

    As you probably remember, the 2010 census reported New York State’s population so low that the state lost two seats in the US House of Representatives.

    It is estimated now that New York State was undercounted roughly 20-25%.

    Partially this is due to the undercounting of homeless populations, but also the dramatic undercounting of people in rural areas like Perry.

    Self-Initiated means that it’s in our control now! We can make sure that we are properly counted, and therefore, state and federal money is appropriated to us fairly.

    Letters will be coming to every address mid-March. These letters will have instructions on how to respond to the census online or by phone.

    Each house will receive three reminder letters.

    The final letter will have a paper census form that can be filled out and mailed in.

    If you have any questions or concerns about the census your local library is ready and willing to help out.

    Remember – You Can Make Perry Count!!!

    -- PMSA thanks Jessica Pacciotti, Director, Perry Public Library for this article 

    Have Census Questions

    Call the Perry Library at 237-2243 or email a member of the library team.

    Remember: The importance of responding to the census cannot be overstated.

  • 20 Mar 2020 11:06 PM | Anonymous

    As part of our effort serve as a resource for the community, we have decided to collect and post the Coronavirus-related resources we discover at: iloveperryny.com/coronavirus. Suggestions for additions are welcome.

    We hope that PMSA members and the broader community will find information here to help mitigate the impact posed by the public health situation that Coronavirus has created.

    A list of organizations and agencies that are offering information and guidance to businesses and communities impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic. 

    A short survey created to gather information about the changes area businesses are making in response to COVID-19.  Results will be gathered, and shared to help get the word out about how to support our area businesses.

    A compendium of the responses to the Survey of Perry Businesses (described above).  

    We hope that this information will help the community to continue to patronize local businesses to help them adjust to these challenging and quickly changing times.
  • 28 Jan 2020 2:24 PM | Anonymous

    As you may have already heard, the 2020 complete census will be starting over the next couple months.

    Everyone will be getting an invitation to take the Census in the mail in March 2020.

    This letter will have a link to a website where you can fill out your census via the internet.

    If you don’t have access to the internet at home, please go to your local library to fill it out.

    You may also call in to respond to the Census. If you have questions there is a hotline for the Census and the staff at the library has been trained to respond to most questions.

    Reporting our population accurately is very important for things like governmental representation and government funding allocation - you can’t decide how big of a piece of pie you should cut until you know how many people will be eating!

    The importance of responding to the census cannot be overstated.

    The federal government uses these figures to determine things like how many US Representatives your state gets in Congress, as well as how many points your state is worth in the Electoral College. Nearly every part of governance is affected in some way by the results of the census.

    There is no way to overstate the importance of the Census.

    You can Make Perry Count by responding to the 2020 Census!!

    -- PMSA thanks Jessica Pacciotti, Director, Perry Public Library for this article 

    Have Census Questions

    Call the Perry Library at 237-2243 or email a member of the library team.

    Remember: The importance of responding to the census cannot be overstated.

  • 06 Dec 2019 4:17 PM | Anonymous

    You may have noticed that the Perry Main Street Association is helping with fundraising effort to support the Perry Beach Project, including docks!

    The Perry Beach project is an investment in free public access to Silver Lake, and a key location on the Silver Lake Trail.

    Our efforts are multiplied by those of two local artists, James Reynolds and Esther Frank-Doyle, who created a collection of original artwork celebrating the Quaint Cottages of Silver Lake, with the idea that the art could help with fundraising for the Perry Beach project.

    Spoiler alert: Proceeds from artwork go to the Perry Beach project.

    How does the Perry Main Street Association fit in?

    This type of collaboration is right up our alley for several reasons:

    1. We love what James & Esther did for the beach project with their work.
    2. The Perry Beach project fits our mission, and
    3. Our non-profit status as an organization benefits donors!
    Donations or contributions made through our organization may be tax deductible (consult a pro!). 

    When we saw James and Esther's work, we offered to build an online "store" for the notecards, posters, and prints at iloveperryny.com/store to help spread the word, and to coordinate the production of the works. 

    You can order them online, and pick up at Olive & Ink on Main St. in Perry - we'll let you know when they're ready (yes, we will ship depending on the items ordered; inquire via: questions@iloveperryny.com).

    So, with all this in mind, we ask... 

    • did you know that notecards are easy to wrap? fit inside stockings? 
    • or put up a poster (small or large) in a favorite nook or cranny!
    • better still, pick out a print or three, perhaps #2, the Post Office!

    View the whole collection at: iloveperryny.com/store


    Store: See & Shop the Artwork

    Store: See & Shop the Artwork

     More information: Perry Beach Project

  • 22 Oct 2019 10:00 AM | Anonymous

    On Monday, October 21st, Letchworth Gateway Villages held a Food Industry Forum. The event brought together stakeholders of many types to highlight the talent and tastes of the region and engage the group in a day of conversation and experiences focused on growing food tourism. 

     This conversation builds on the work of many (for example, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Wyoming County Chamber and Tourism, and event hosts - the Genesee Country Village & Museum) and added the expertise of the Culinary Tourism Alliance and experience of Chef Eric Boynar of rural destination restaurant sixthirtynine in Ontario, Canada.

    More information available online: 

    Food Tourism Project: https://www.letchworthgatewayvillages.org/growfoodtourism
    White paper: https://www.letchworthgatewayvillages.org/foodtourism

  • 15 Oct 2019 10:00 AM | Anonymous

    On October 4th, Letchworth Gateway Villages brought together collaborators in the REDI initiative from Wyoming, Livingston, Allegany, Genesee, and Monroe counties for a kickoff meeting and planning workshop.

    The Perry Main Street Association is looking forward to the potential of this work, and impressed with the groundwork that is underway. 

    For more information about the REDI Initiative, check out the project page on the LGV website and the FAQ

  • 26 Sep 2019 3:00 PM | Anonymous

    Get Strategies for Creating Stellar Stores and Storefronts!

    Livingston County Economic Development invites area businesses to attend a Tuesday evening seminar on October 8th from 6pm-8pm at The Big Tree Inn in Geneseo. 

    Frontdoor Back from Vancouver, WA will present, sharing retail expertise with attendees. See flier for additional information.

    Questions? Contact Louise Wadsworth, Livingston County Downtown Coordinator. 

    Fee: $30 (for Out-of-County Businesses); $10 (Livingston County Businesses)

    Register online!

  • 19 Aug 2019 12:00 PM | Anonymous

    The Perry Main Street Association invites everyone to visit Silver Lake Brewing Project on Tuesday, August 27th, 2019 at 5pm for a reception to benefit the Perry Beach renovation project.

    Come visit with neighbors and friends, see plans for the project and toast the work of James Reynolds & Esther Doyle, the artists behind the 'Quaint Cottages' series which features cottages from the Silver Lake Institute on posters, art prints, framed art, and notecards. Plans for the reception include light refreshments and artist remarks.

    The Perry Beach renovation project is being supported by many groups, including Perry Rotary, a key contributor whose generous donation helped the project get out of the starting gates.

    The project budget outlines a community fundraising goal of $35,000.00. All funds raised through this event, and the purchase of 'Quaint Cottages' artworks will go toward that goal.

    The 'Quaint Cottages' exhibit will on view at the Silver Lake Brewing Project into September 2019. Donations for art prints, framed art and notecards may be made at Silver Lake Brewing Project on the night of the event, and after the event.

    About the Perry Beach project

    For more information about the Perry Beach Renovation project, visit: https://iloveperryny.com/perrybeach.


  • 06 Aug 2019 2:00 PM | Anonymous

    For season eight, Shake on the Lake has brought Shakespeare's  'As You Like It' to life to the delight of audiences across the region. The show has been reviewed by Broadway World and PlayShakespeare.com.

    Don't miss it! The schedule is available online — the season runs from July 25th through August 11th, 2019.  

  • 19 Jun 2019 10:00 AM | Anonymous

    Exciting news — Perry has been asked to make a presentation to support the application submitted for the NYS Downtown Revitalization Initiative. Presentations will occur on June 20th, 2019 at MCC for the Finger Lakes Region!  

Upcoming events

copyright (c) 2015-2025, Perry Main Street Association, Inc. All Rights Reserved. || Contact us: questions@iloveperryny.com

Perry Main Street Association, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization.  P.O. Box 186, Perry, NY 14530